Friday, February 15, 2013

Interiors - an artist's view of helmets

The eye of the beholder

What an interesting subject for fine art as well as a unique perspective on helmets.  The artist's statement below makes one rethink the preconceptions we bring to the exterior of a helmet; good-guy or bad-guy oppressor or liberator.  Very interesting stuff.

Top to bottom it appears we have a British MkII sans liner, a Spanish M26, and a German fire helmet without the leather neck protector.

I like it


Veronica Keith 
Artist Statement on my helmet paintings 
At the present time I am exploring historical helmets. As an object it can assist in identifying authority 
or individuals belonging to various factions. Designed to be ornate or simple, all helmets attempt to 
protect the user. When I paint the helmets I present them positioned showing the inside, displaying the 
crucial surroundings that offers protection to the brain. By not painting the exterior of the helmet, this 
removes the     viewer's ability to readily identifying it. This ambiguity shifts the focus, opening the 
viewer's perception towards it. Taking away what is most easily recognizable about a helmet - in this 
case its' exterior form, allows for the viewer to approach the image without any preconceived notions. 
In 2008 I graduated from a three year Diploma in Fine Arts at the Ottawa School of Art. In which my 
final year I received the Community Foundation of Ottawa Scholarship in recognition of artistic 
achievement. I have continued to work, exhibiting my artwork in my community in such local venues 
as the Shenkman Art Centre.

For more of Veronica's work go to:

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