Behold the helmet that finally established the institutional identity of the Red Army, the home-grown GK 80/A.
One of the things that makes Red China so slaphappy these days is its very long and very sad history of being the jailhouse bride to a passing parade of occupying thugs and bullies. After years of this degradation, a dazed (but still very much in love) Red China has stepped up to assert itself as a first-tier dictatorship among the greater community of third-rate nations, thugs and bullies. Full-circle! group hug!
Eschewing the trappings of centuries of colonial or outside influence, the Peoples Republic was happy to discard the Soviet Ssh40 steel helmet which characterized its participation during the Korean War (and other hot spots of the Cold War), for their very own, motherland-produced steel GK 80/A.
This Chinese manufactured helmet is simple, strong, asymmetrical, and ironically very similar the the M30-32 helmet of the Japanese forces that spent so much time in China doing all of those unspeakably nasty things that they (the Japanese) can't seem to remember to have happened at all... oh look over's Hello Kitty!
A testimonial to "form follows function" his helmet is mighty plain, design is not it's strong suit. But when you've got six hundred god-zillion troops to outfit; ease of production, speed of manufacture, and economical materials tend to drive the program.
Marzetti notes that the liner is "odd but simple", and goes on to say that it is quite comfortable. This is a simple liner, almost to the point of being elegant. I like it very much.
Representing the last generation of the venerable steel helmet this example is a nice first stab by China at establishing a unique look for its forces and restoring some self-esteem for its National Psyche.
Overheard exchange:
Red Guard: China is not imperialistic!
Gunboater: Want ta bet?

accession number: MOA hmar.46.17.13
Peoples Republic of China GK 80/A helmet.
Acquired 1984, Lansing Michigan.
Purchase price :$50.00
Condition: excellent/unissued
1 comment:
shiny helmets will get you killed - ask the US soldiers at night on iwo jima.
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