I picked up this one in 1978 in Lansing Michigan. At that time I was attending Michigan State University. Back then there were a couple of junk stores-cum-antique shops on Michigan avenue about eight or ten blocks from the magnificent capitol building. This district was home to all of the restaurants, watering holes, and gay bars that catered to a diverse clientele of legislators, winos, leather guys, and helmet weenies, I being of the latter persuasion.
I was living off my GI bill money so I didn't have a lot of cash to spread around, but when I spotted this helmet in an old warehouse of a junk store, I knew that I had to take it home with me. It was surprisingly complete and in pretty good considering it had been sitting around for who-knows- how- long in a junk store.
Today I probably couldn't afford a comparable helmet at current prices.
The spiked helmet of WWI is a classic, even a cliché. It is the caricature of prussian militarism.

I think its fair to trace the roots of this style back to the Indo Persian helmet.
The tight fitting dome and very fierce spike are referenced by the, less combat functional, Pickelhaube of 1915.
This very cool example is circa 1700. Check the garage, you never know what might be under that stack of old fruit crates.
"Why the spike?"
When I take this helmet around to school groups, I'll always ask the kids what the spike is for. Invariably, they give the same answer. A fourth grader will bend over and lunge forward in a pantomime of the pointy part's perceived purpose, that is, to charge the enemy soldier and stab him (or at least freak him out) with the deadly spike. After congratulating the kid on a fine and reasonable guess I then reveal the very mundane point of , er, the point.
Note the holes emitting light (and air) around what is the base of the spike. Also, notice the small hole to the left of that base, it connects with the spine.
Moving some air through this headgear may be all that can keep the young WWI German soldier from passing out while standing in formation, under the sun, waiting for Edith Cavell to appear before the firing squad.
Sorry, just an unpleasant reminder to keep it all real.
There you have it, an up close and personal exploration of the M-91 pickelhaube of 1915.
For an absolutely exhaustive, and pretty fantastic study of the pickelhaube, go to:
http://www.kaisersbunker.com (in my links at right), you'll be glad you did.
See you next time with another cool helmet from the collection.