...despite the fact that the British Mk 1 and its progeny the Mk 2 (et al) are so doggone boring. Certainly not particularly innovative or exciting, this helmet is poorly balanced, of no protection to the temples or brain stem of the wearer, and with a dreadfully fragile one point suspension mounting that, if broken will render the helmet nothing more than a shallow basin to catch the former wearer's blood in.
But, nonetheless, this is the "tin derby" which much delayed the sunset of the British Empire

So I'll try to give it its due.
Costing less than $2.00 (including liner) to produce and weighing 1 pound eleven ounces this was Britian's entry into the head protection sweepstakes of 1917.
Prior to the development and adoption of this helmet front line British Commonwealth troops, like everyone else, were attempting to fight the Great War wearing non-ballistic headgear including these natty soft caps.

A Mr. Brodie, in 1915 developed the helmet which would symbolize the tenacity and elan of the Commonwealth soldier for generations; the Mk 1.

Speaking of cartoons...
One of my favorite cartoonists is Captain Bruce Bairnsfather, the man who did for the British Tommy what Bill Mauldin did for the American G.I.
Here are two takes on the Mk 1 from the pen of the good Captain:
(do click on the images for clarity)

And now the details
"The demerit of this metal was its liability to indent deeply, for this would be apt to cause fatal injury to the wearer."
But make no mistake, this helmet was saving lives.
Although this helmet and the American M1917 often get confused, its really quite easy to tell them apart if you know what to look for.

Mk 1 British infantry helmet.
Acquired 1980, Lansing Michigan.
Purchase price :$32.00
Original in all respects.
Condition: excellent