This is one of the stars of my collection, a bona fide German M35 used by the Francoists. I'm very pleased to have this piece although it represents a very sad time in human history, when Spain went mad.
Let's trace their odd behavior to its source.
Adolf Hitler, seen here with his Spanish fascist lackey, and dictator of Spain, Francisco Franco.
Lots of people were being swept away with the false promises of fascism and its trappings.
Below is a Communist reaction (during the Spanish Civil War) to the clergy selling-out to the Nazis.

Despite the best efforts of the Commies,the Republicans, and a host of others, the Hitler-backed and equipped Francoists were victorious in the Spanish Civil War. As a show of gratitude, one of the many favors Franco extended to Hitler was the gift of Spanish troops (the Blue Division) in Nazi Germany's fight against the Soviets.
A lasting legacy of this relationship between Nazi Germany and Fascist Spain was the influence of that most distinctive of helmets, the M.35, a design that continued in a couple of versions until only recently in the Spanish armed forces.
And here is the original, direct from Nazi Germany, the M.35 in Francoist regalia.
This is an outstanding helmet that I was lucky enough to acquire nearly 25 years ago for a relative song. Those were the days.
A remarkable helmet, and a tragic story. Although Franco shattered his own country and marred the reputation of Spain in the second half of the twentieth century, Franco himself managed to get off scot-free, ruling that country until his death in 1975, quite unrepentant.
I bet I can guess what style of helmets they wear in hell, heh, heh, heh.
Let me leave you with a different take of Picasso's reaction to Fascist excesses in Spain:
Lena Gieseke's Guernica 3-D (go here)

Lena Gieseke's Guernica 3-D (go here)

My next two posts will profile the Spanish-manufacured copies of the M.35. The differences in quality will be startling.
accession number: MOA hmar249.68.11
German M.35 in Spanish Nationalist livery
Acquired 1980, Lansing Michigan.
Condition: very good