If you were a nation occuppied by the Japanese in WWII you find yourself awash in Japanese military materiel upon their surrender. Suddenly your army (such as it is) has lots of helmets.
Such was the case with Thailand. A small army, a whole bunch of Japanese helmets, just add insignia, and away you go.
The distinctive Japanese 30-32 profile in Siamese livery.
Ventilation holes in the dome.
This example has mounts for the French m. 26 -style liner and chinstrap.
Close-up of riveted mounting frame for the liner...
though the mounting holes for the original Japanese liner are apparent.
Back story...
On the plus side it did have a chinstrap, though it was unlike any I was used to seeing on Japanese helmets, and had the French-style suspension for a liner intact. What was most intriguing about this helmet though, was the printing on the remnants of newspaper that were stuck to it (obviously this helmet had been in storage for some time). The script on the newspaper fragments was unlike any I'd seen before. It was definitely not Japanese, nor was it Chinese or Korean. That puzzled me. Also, on the front of the shell, where an insignia had been, was the distinct and symmetrical outline of that missing insignia. The outline was clear and very distinctive, and again unlike the shape or size of any Japanese insignia that I was familiar with.
Mystery aside, I felt a little sheepish about this helmet and pretty much tucked it away in the old "live and learn" box, where it stayed for almost 25 years until it suddenly became somewhat of a prize.
In the intervening 25 years a couple of things happened: the publication of that outstanding book by Paolo Marzetti "elmetti di combattimento di tutto il mondo" (Combat Helmets of the World) and the advent of ebay.
Marzetti's book gave me my first glimpse of the Siamese model 1930-32 which was simply a salvaged Japanese 30-32 with a replaced liner (French m.26 style) and leather chinstrap.
A very nice ending indeed.
See you next time with another cool helmet from the collection.
I have one of these - but is has a Japanese star emblem on the front. Possibly original, more likely a later addition as it is welded on rather than clipped, but there's no sign of the Siamese plate ever being affixed. What baffles me most about mine is the liner, which is a five-lobe leather liner with clips for attachment to the shell, similar to the French liners. The odd thing is that it is stamped, in English, 'MADE IN JAPAN'. Various references seem to insist that the liners were locally made in Thailand. What's going on here then? The world may never know...
You can see some pics of mine in a rather old query page I put up rather a long time ago. http://www.gostak.demon.co.uk/helmets/temp/thailand.htm Some useful notes by US collector Dave Powers included.
I need help in identifying a brass Adrian helmet with a number 3 embossed on it.
Kindly send me a photo or two at museumofamerica@myactv.net and I'll see if I can help you out.
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